I'm going to be taking a little break from you. Not because I want to. Just call me the Queen of Klutz. My computer just slid off of my lap and bent the jack all to bits. When my battery dies, I'll have no way to recharge it. Don't fret, I will be getting a new power cord. I just don't know how long that is going to take.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
In the meantime, send me your fashion picks for Fashion Fridays. I've gotten nothing, people! I know you're all fashion-y!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hand-made Goodie of the Week: Clothespin Hat Hanger
Last year, when we were decorating the nursery, I was looking for something for Bobby's hats. I didn't want a hat stand, because that would be one more thing for him to knock over. And I wanted something that I could put on the wall, up out of his reach. While looking through my Land of Nod catalog, I came across this:
Photo courtesy of the Land of Nod
How cute! Theirs is a "art holder" but I thought, that would be perfect for hats AND I can make one!!
To make your own, you'll need:
Wooden clothespins-I used 12 for mine
Ribbon, twine, whatever you'd like to use to string your clothespins-I used hemp
Wooden shapes-I used stars for mine. And how many sections of clothespins you have will determine how many shapes you'll need. I used 5-2 for the ends and 3 to separate the sections.
Paint and brushes
Fine-tipped permanant marker (optional)
Hot glue gun and glue
First, I painted my stars a bright baby blue. While they were drying, I painted my clothespins brown using a dry brush to give it a wooden look. Now, I took mine apart and painted each side, then put them back together. I do not recommend doing this-it stretches out the spring and a lot of them I couldn't use and had to re-do.
Once the stars were dry, I drew a dotted line all the way around the edge to give it some character. I used a fine-tipped marker since I don't have a steady enough had for a paint brush.
Next is cutting your twine and putting it all together. The piece I used was about 45 inches long. I hot glued a star to one end, then began threading on my clothespins. I spaced everything about 2 inches apart.
To keep the clothespins in place, I tied a knot on either side once it was threaded. I divided my clothespins into 4 groups of 3, with a star in between each section, again, spacing each piece about 2 inches.
To make the loops to hang the stars with, I tied little loops in the hemp and then hot glued them to the top point of each star.
Time to hang and enjoy!
This is great nursery decor and can be made to match any color scheme or theme. Makes a great baby shower gift : )
clothespin hanger,
handmade gifts,
Monday, March 29, 2010
How this for a nice start to your week? : )
Doesn't this bag just scream "Take me to the beach!" Craftaholics Anonymous is giving away this tasty number-you can enter here. The giveaway ends March 31, so get on over there!
I am in love with this dress. It is simply gorgeous. Elaine over at Clothed Much is hosting a William Riera giveaway-you could win this dress! Enter here-giveaway ends April 9.
Laura over at Along for the Ride is giving away all of these lovelies-find out the details and enter to win here. Giveaway ends April 2.
I'm trying to think of a better way to let you all know about the giveaways I find. What do you think? And I love for you to let me know about giveaways, so I can pass them along!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Good Eats and Yummy Treats: Banana Bread
My little man loves bananas so we almost always have a bunch hanging around. That said, there are still times where some get a little too ripe to eat. When that happens, I turn them into banana bread! We had a couple that were too far gone but not bad (like rotten bad), so I made some last week. It was so yummy!
Banana Bread
2 ½ c. flour
1 c. sugar
3 ½ tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
¾ c. milk
1 egg
1 c. mashed bananas
1 c. finely chopped nuts (optional)
Heat over to 350 degrees. Grease and flour loaf pan (1 9x5x3 or 2 8 ½ x 4 ½ x 2 ½ pans) or use a non-stick loaf pan. Measure all of the ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Beat on medium speed ½ minute, scrapping bowl constantly. Pour into pan or pans. Bake 55-65 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean from center. Cool in pan 10 minutes, remove and cool completely before slicing.
banana bread,
good eats,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A Bit About Blogging Etiquette...
Holly over at 504 Main shared her thoughts on blogging etiquette and I couldn't agree with her more! I'm not pointing fingers at anyone-so far I've had really good experiences blogging and interacting with other bloggers. I've met some wonderful, talented ladies who have been extremely supportive and encouraging of my tiny blog. But it never hurts to talk about it. I know that I personally need to be better with responding to comments and her post gave me a loving kick in the pants to get me on track to get better at that. I don't ever want anyone who takes the time to stop by my blog and leave me a comment to feel like I don't notice it. I appreciate each and every comment! They seriously make my day! So, I'm making a commitment to you, my lovely readers and commenters, to sincerely respond when you leave me comments. With that said, I am a mom of a busy little one-year-old and no offense, but he takes rank over responding to comments and reading blogs and leaving comments of my own. That doesn't mean that I don't value what you say, love your latest post or want to tell you what I think of your most recent awesome project. It just means that some times I might not respond at the speed of light. I promise I won't forget you : ) Just bear with me if it takes me a couple of days.
I liked what she said about giving credit when you share tutorials or pictures or ideas that you've found elsewhere. They're not yours, so don't pass them off as such. It's just not nice. Always give credit where credit is due! Even if you can't remember where you saw the idea, at least admit that it's not your original idea. Nothing ruder than stealing others things and passing them off as yours. And let them know you've shared their idea. 9 times out of 10, when I do a feature on someone, I email them first, asking permission to share. There have been times when I haven't done that-some bloggers want you to obtain permission before featuring them, some don't mind if you let them know afterwards. Always check out their policies before using things from their blogs-but I always let them know that I've featured them, provide them with the post link and if they don't like the piece I've done, I'm more than happy to delete it. Really, I think as long as you go through the proper channels, you can't go wrong.
I also found what she said about following other blogs to be right on. We all follow blogs for different reasons. I personally follow blogs that have something that interests me, inspires me or just makes me feel good. Please don't get offended if you follow me and I don't follow you back because your blog just isn't my cup of tea. There are plenty of blogs that I follow that don't follow me back and it might be for that very reason. I don't take it personal. Lindsay left me a very good comment on feeling weird following when it's someone's personal (family) blog. I completely understand what she means. I kind of feel like I'm snooping. I usually just leave a comment saying thanks for stopping by or something along those lines and leave it at that. I don't want to seem like one of those crazy stalkers : )
At the end of the day, I think we just all need to remember this: We are first and foremost, people with lives. and though blogging is great fun, my family does come first. And I absolutely think people understand that. Plus, most of the blogs I follow are by moms with kids still at home. I know that they have lives just like me, so I don't get my panties in a twist when I comment and they don't respond immediately : )
What are your thoughts on blogging etiquette? Do you agree with Holly? Do you think she's way off? Do you think she missed something? I'd love to hear your thoughts : )
blogging etiquette
Friday, March 26, 2010
Fashion Fridays: It's YOUR Turn!
We're changing things up a bit this week.
I want to see what YOU'RE wearing. I want to see YOUR fashion picks.
So, leave me a link, email me pictures, whatever. Just get it to me by next Thursday. And I'm going to show you off in next week's Fashion Friday.
Who knows? Maybe there'll be a little giveaway involved : )
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tipping Thursday: Skincare Part III-Moisturizer
For this week's Tipping Thursday, I'm going to cover moisturizer. This can actually be quite intimidating for some people. I'm going to make it a lot less scary and easy to understand.
Simply put, your skin needs moisture. The everyday elements that your skin is exposed to take that moisture away. Just washing your face can strip it of its natural moisture, even using the gentlest cleanser you can get your hands on. The place that shows that the most is your face. Our skin will line and wrinkle more easily if it’s dry. Even if you have oily skin-MOISTURIZE! And moisturize EVERYDAY! Moisturizer keeps our skin supple and younger looking. That is why is it so important to use a moisturizer. Picking the right one can be overwhelming because there are so many to choose from. That, and a lot of people don't know what their skin needs and use the wrong products.
Just like with choosing a cleanser, you need to know your skin type. Also, are there other things you'd like you moisturizer to do, like get rid of wrinkles? If you skin is on the oily side, make sure to use a light-weight, fast-absorbing moisturizer. The less time the moisturizer sits on top of your skin, the better and the less likely you are to get that sticky shine. If you have dry skin, resist the urge to slather on a heavy cream and stick to a moisturizer that's just a step above light-weight. You could even go with light-weight and do two or three thin layers on your face, allowing each one to sink in before applying the next. You never want your moisturizer to feel like it's just sitting on top of your skin. It needs to be absorbed to do its job. If you have that feeling, your moisturizer is too heavy. Like with a lot of skincare and make-up products, finding the moisturizer that works for you might take some trial and error. What works for your best friend might not work for you.
No matter what your skin needs are, always, always, ALWAYS use a moisturizer with at least 15 SPF and no higher than 30 SPF-higher than that and you're getting smaller and smaller amounts of added protection, which means a higher dose of unwanted chemicals. The sun is the most damaging element to our skin and the delicate skin of our faces especially needs protecting. And going back to "what do you want your moisturizer to do for you," look for ones that accomplish several goals in one lotion-the less "stuff" you're putting on your face, the better. That keeps your skin from being overwhelmed.
When applying your moisturizer, try massaging it into your skin-this will tighten and firm the underlying fatty tissues and keep them plump. Moisturizers are one skincare product that I say keep oil-free 100%. This is one area you don't want extra oils rubbed into your skin.
Hope that helped!
tipping thursday,
The Great Jewelry Organization of 2010
It all started when I saw this post on Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle. I realized that though my closet might not need an overhaul, my jewelry certainly did. Maybe if I had a fabulous walk-in closet like Ms. Jackie, I would have needed to clean it up : ) But since my closet is only this big <-------->, it doesn't really allow for clutter. That, and I'm a little OCD about my closet (seriously, everything is very meticulously put away in there.) I was really inspired when I saw the pictures of her jewelry section in her closet and it got me thinking. Here's what I had going on:
A piece of lace tacked to the underside of my mirror was my earring "storage." It served its purpose but I'm a grown-up now : ) I loved the idea of using a french memo board for my earrings. But then I got stuck. What to do with the rest?
Yes, that is a tin full of necklaces. And a can full of other various jewelry.
My jewelry box wasn't too bad, but definitely needed some cleaning out.
So, first things first: letting go. I have a hard time sometimes parting with my jewelry. For instance, I really don't wear yellow gold jewelry all that much. But I have a few pieces that were giving as gifts from special family members that even though I never wear them, I can't bring myself to get rid of them. So they just clutter up my jewelry box, taking up space that could be used for things I actually wear. Part of my thinking is that I'd like to pass them on to my children. So, I went through everything, set aside the pieces that have sentimental value but that I don't wear and packed them up. They're in a safe place, I can still pass them on, but they're no longer taking up space in my jewelry box. The rest I offered to my sister-in-law. What she didn't want, I sold to a consignment shop and some I'm repurposing for other projects.
With what I don't wear gone, I moved onto the next step: where to put what I DO wear. My biggest road block was my necklaces.
I love long necklaces. And I have quite a few. I wanted something that I could hang them on, where they wouldn't get tangled ('cause the tin just wasn't cutting it) but that wasn't tacky. Here's my solution:
I found this wooden plaque in the craft section of Wal-mart for $1.96. I painted it this lovely peacock teal, let it dry, then spray painted the whole thing black. Sorry there are no pictures for this step-I got so carried away in my excitement that I forgot to take some!
After the paint had dried, I sanded it all over so that the teal could peak through, especially around the edges.
Then I screwed in 11 tea cup hooks-this was actually a little harder than I expected because the wood was so hard! My poor fingers were red for a good day afterwards. I did them in two rows, 6 on top, 5 on bottom, alternating them so that when I hung my necklaces, they wouldn't overlap. Then I hot glued some ribbon onto the back to hang it with.
Volia! There's the memo board that was originally in my letter organizer-I covered the rough edges in a matching ribbon and attached two pieces to hang it. It holds my earrings perfectly.
And it also gave me a place for my peacock feathers : )
I love being able to see all of my necklaces. And no more tangles!
Remember this ugly necklace stand? I gave it a nice coat of red paint and now it's the perfect home for some of my shorter necklaces and bracelets.
Now I have a nice, neat home for my jewels and since I can see them, I can better accessorize! Which, as silly as it sounds, is one of my goals for the year.
What "spring" cleaning have you done or have plans for?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Making Friends
Yeah, yeah, I know it's Wednesday, but this week got off to a rough start, so I'm kind of playing catch up now. Bear with me, please.
I've wanted to join in on {a.e. filkins} Friend Making Mondays and decided this was the week to do it. Honestly, I don't know what I hadn't up til now. Anyways, here we go:
1. Favorite things about Spring:
All of the beautiful flowers blooming, the gorgeous weather and knowing that it's getting closer to beach weather!
2. What I'm doing for Spring Break:
Nothing, really. Moms don't get a spring break. I'll probably be hanging out with my SIL, getting some things made for the Etsy shop, shopping and taking a beach trip/trip to my mom's.
3. Favorite Spring flower:
I love lillies, poppies and gerber daisies
4. Do you have a garden?
Not yet, but I'm planting my herb garden next week!
5. If so, what do you grow.
Herbs for now, and I'm also going to plant some poppies.
6. Do you do Spring cleaning?
Oh yeah! I'm in the middle of it right now.
7. What is your weather *really* like right now? {Just b/c it's "officially" spring, doesn't mean that it feels like it for some of you}
Today is it lovely-sunny with a slight breeze, somewhere in the 70's. Though springtime in FL does mean rain. We had some all day Sunday.
8. Snapped any weather related photos lately? Share one with us!
I haven't : (
9. What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny afternoon?
Go for walks with my son, take him down to the "lake" to feed the ducks and open all my windows to the let breeze in
10. Favorite TV show right now?
24, though I'm like two episodes behind. Thank goodness for the internet!
making friends
Mid-Week Parties!
Who says Wednesdays can't be fun? There are some great linky parties going on today.
Every Wednesday, Someday Crafts hosts a Whatever Goes party-so go link up!

And Trendy Treehouse hosts a weekly Sharing Ideas Wednesday where you can share YOUR ideas and crafts.
So, go link up, share what you've made and check out all of the other great links! You'll find some amazing blogs and super-talented ladies!
blog hop,
linky parties
Who's That: Our Family Treat
If you're a cooking fanatic or a novice just looking to try out some new recipes, Our Family Treat is the place for you! This blog makes me hungry just looking at it! There's something for everyone, on any level of cooking.
Whether you want something fancy to impress at a dinner party or just a simple meal for your family, Lindsay and Brooks have you covered. This husband/wife cooking duo serves up amazing recipes that are kid-friendly and easy! As Lindsay said, "I don't have time to spend forever in the kitchen, but I always want something yummy and great every night." I can totally agree with that! Here are some of their recipes that will leave your mouth watering:
This Pesto and Goat Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin is making me drool! You can make one tonight for dinner using this recipe.
I love fondue and this Peanut Butter Chocolate Fondue looks so amazing! Make it for your next get-together!
This Strawberry Fruit Dip has only two ingredients! I love simplicity : ) Check out what they are here.
Chicken is a main staple at our house and I'm always looking for new ways to use it. This Fontina Stuffed Chicken Breast looks mighty tasty-I am definitely giving this a try next week!
And what's dinner without dessert?! This Eclair cake looks sooooo yummy! And it's not all that hard-check out the recipe here.
Lindsay also runs her own Etsy shop, the Ciao Bella Boutique. Go check it out-she's got all kinds of amazing creations!
I love these red rose earrings!
I hope you've enjoyed getting to know Our Family Treat. Go pay them a visit and see for yourself all the great things being cooked up!
our family treat,
who's that
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The BIG Annoucement!!!
This is taking place of this week's Handmade Goodies segment, cause, as you'll see, it's mostly about handmade things. I'm so happy about this, I'm dancing in my seat. I am thrilled to announce, we opened our Etsy shop today!!!!!
I say we, because it's not just a solo venture. My sis-in-law Charlene and I have been working on this since the beginning of the year, deciding what we wanted to sell, what we actually had time to make and gathering supplies and fun vintage finds. She's such talented girl and after much talking, we decided we should combine our crafty abilities and start a shop. We sell handmade jewelry, house goods, sewn creations and vintage finds. Our shop is called D Squared Creations and Boutique. A little about the name: this actually took us a long time to figure out! We settled on this one because it played on our names-our last names are Driver. We also like the Two Drivers, but thought this one was catchier : ) We're still working on things to get listed, but after stock piling things for about a month now, I decided along with Char that we needed to go ahead and launch! So, head on over to Etsy and check us out!
I say we, because it's not just a solo venture. My sis-in-law Charlene and I have been working on this since the beginning of the year, deciding what we wanted to sell, what we actually had time to make and gathering supplies and fun vintage finds. She's such talented girl and after much talking, we decided we should combine our crafty abilities and start a shop. We sell handmade jewelry, house goods, sewn creations and vintage finds. Our shop is called D Squared Creations and Boutique. A little about the name: this actually took us a long time to figure out! We settled on this one because it played on our names-our last names are Driver. We also like the Two Drivers, but thought this one was catchier : ) We're still working on things to get listed, but after stock piling things for about a month now, I decided along with Char that we needed to go ahead and launch! So, head on over to Etsy and check us out!
big announcement,
Monday, March 22, 2010
Letter Organizer Make-over!
It's done! This has been on my To-Do list for far too long. I'm really, REALLY happy with how it turned out. I always love it when the idea I had pictured in my head and the way a project turns out are the same ; )
You might remember this from a previous post. And you might also remember that I mentioned I had some big plans for it. Here's what I did:
You might remember this from a previous post. And you might also remember that I mentioned I had some big plans for it. Here's what I did:
Started by unscrewing the back and removing the memo board. That is for a different project (interested? Keep following and you'll find out soon enough!) I also took off the bottom so I could: 1) paint it and get in the little cubbies better. 2) pop out one of the dividers so instead of three compartments, there is one big one and one small one.
After a bit of deconstruction, I applied a flat white spray paint all over. I did two coats so that no brown was showing through. While it was drying, I cut a piece of cardboard to fit in place of the memo board and covered it in burlap-my first ever project with burlap! I'm hooked! Sorry there aren't pictures of this part. I got so carried away with what I was doing, I forgot to take some!
Once the paint was dry, I put it all back together and sanded the edges to give it a worn look. Then I attached three tea cup hooks to the bottom to hang keys on.
Took it home and hung it up! Yeah, yeah, I know, it's on a white wall, but that's where it hangs for now. Once we have a house, that won't be the case.
Anyways, I really like it! I came out exactly how I hoped. And now I have a place to keep my mail and such organized! I'm all about being fashionably organized : ) And it cost me next to nothing. Here's the break-down:
Organizer-$5 at Goodwill
White paint-already had it!
Sandpaper-6 large sheets for $2, I only used one to rough this up
Burlap-$3 for one yard, I used a 9 x 14 piece to cover the board
Tea cup hooks-$3 for 50!! And I only used 3!
I'm linking up at:
Be sure to check back tomorrow-I have a BIG announcement that I'm way excited about!!!!
home decor,
letter organizer,
What I'm Wearing #3-Mad About Plaid
What a weekend! The hubs surprised me by coming home early Friday night (I wasn't expecting him til sometime Sunday.) We celebrated my sister's 20th birthday Saturday along with Robbie's at a local park-their birthdays are a day apart. Bobby loved playing on the playground and went down the slide all by himself! Since it was a festive occasion, I decided to dress up a bit and wear one of my new finds.
What I'm Wearing:
Black and Yellow Buffalo Plaid Dress by Fleurish from Plato's Closet
Black lace-trimmed leggings by Miley Cyrus/Max Azria
White Bracelet Watch by Kim Rogers Jewelry
Grey flats and Black and Silver flower and chain necklace from Charlotte Russe
Anyone else into plaid or brights for spring?
what I'm wearing
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fashion Fridays: Fab Finds
What?! Two features in one?! Mind-boggling, I know. But I've been a bargain-finding fool this week and I wanted to share what I found with you all. And since it's all clothing-related, it fits perfectly with Fashion Fridays. Why not kill two birds with one stone if you can, right?
My first stop was Plato's Closet. For those of you who have never heard of or been to Plato's Closet, here's a bit about it: it's a consignment store chain that caters to teens through twentysomethings. They sell mostly girls/womens clothing but do have an expanding guys section. They carry everything from clothes to shoes to bags to jewelry to room wares. And, unlike a lot of consignment stores where you have to wait for your item to sell before you get paid, Plato's Closet buys your items right there on the spot. You bring your items in, they decide what they can use and buy it from you. You can check for locations on their website. So, back to my finds. I was there Monday selling some jewelry and was browsing through the racks while waiting for my "buy" to be ready. Now, up to this point, I've never really found anything there that I liked enough to buy. Truthfully, though, I've never really taken the time to look-I usually have my son with me and shopping while fighting to hold onto a 28 pound wiggly kid don't go hand-in-hand. This time, my SIL was running errands with me, so we switched off holding Bobby and shopping. I found these:
I snagged this J. Crew striped shirt for $8!
I love this slide-ons by Roxy.
This is my favorite find-this yellow and black plaid dress. I love the buffalo check and I'm loving yellow right now. It's a little too short to wear alone, but I have a great pair of leggings that will go great under this.
Next stop: Target. I went with my mom earlier this week. After drooling all over the Liberty of London line, I headed over to the clearance where I found these:
I about peed my pants when I found this.
First. let me give you a little background on this vest so you can understand why I got excited: I have been looking of a simple black vest for ages. Every time I find one I like, it's gone when I go to buy it. That was the case with this vest. I saw it back in January, right before my birthday. I fell in love instantly-it was exactly what I had been looking for. Then I saw the price tag-$20. I wasn't feeling it. But, as I said, it was near my birthday. So I came back a few days later, armed with my Target gift card that I had gotten as a present and it was gone. This was only three days after I had just seen it! I was crushed. I looked it up online and did a store search. None of the stores near me had it. I looked at the store near my mom. None. Then, luck found me! And it was half off! Heck yes!
When I first saw this skirt, I wanted one. But I didn't want to pay $25 for it. And they went like hotcakes. So I was tickled pink to find one on clearance for $6.24!!!!! Oh yeah!
Found anything good this week?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tipping Thursday: Skincare Part II-Toner
This week is Part II of the skincare tips. It's on toner.
Some of you might be thinking, toner, what's toner? No, I'm not talking about what you put in your printer. This toner goes on your face.
Toner is amazing and does great things for your skin. It helps restore your skin's natural pH that gets washed away when you clean your face. Cleanser opens your pores to clean all the impurities out. But then they stay open. Anytime you wash your face using water, your pores remain open for 30 minutes after cleansing. letting all the dirt and oils you just washed away back in. So, what do you do to keep all that junk out? Toner! It closes the pores that the cleanser opens when you wash your face. It also picks up what your cleanser might have left behind. Not to mention the free radicals in the air that can harm the skin are now able to get into the pores and cause damage if left open. Who would want that? If you've got oily skin, stay away from toners with oil in them-just like with your cleansers. You'll want to use one that has a little bit of alcohol in it. And this is why-when the alcohol evaporates from your skin, it takes excess oil on your skin with it. Amazing. But if you have dry skin, stay away from toners with alcohol, as they will probably dry your skin too much. You might find that you have to change your toner depending on the time of year it is. For example, when I was still living in New Mexico, I would switch to an alcohol-free toner in the winter because it gets so dry and cold there that my skin would hurt. You might need a toner with alcohol in it during the summer months when it's hotter and you're a little more oily. Now that I'm back in Florida, where it's humid, an alcohol toner is perfect for me all-year-round. It keeps my skin fresh and clear. Just listen to your skin. It should never feel tight or uncomfortable after you have washed and toned and it should never feel sticky or slick.
My favorite toner is, hands down, the Pore Refining Toner by Neutrogena. I don't have oily skin, but if I didn't use toner, I would. This keeps it oil-free. And it's great for sensitive skin types, too.
tipping thursday,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Liberty of London for Target
Ok, so is anyone else as pee-in-my-pants excited about Liberty of London being at Target as I am?! I am almost beside myself with joy! I've already been to Target twice to drool over everything. If you haven't been a Target since the line launched Sunday or looked around online, here's sneak peak at what you're missing (and what I'm craving):
I love this teapot! Makes me want to have a tea party just so I'd have an excuse to show it off, erm, I mean, use it.
Love love LOVE this bed set. Though I think its probably a little too girly for my hubby.
But I do think he'd like this tie. I certainly do.
This tankin just screams BEACH! Luckily I live in Florida, so I have an excuse to wear this in March.
Cute cute shirt. Love it!
I'm all about fun pillows and this one is just great.
This purse is just to die for.
And there's even a wallet to match!
I want this dress! It's boarder-line lust.
I have the cutest little black blazer that would love to be worn over this shirt.
(In case you haven't noticed, I really like blue) I love the ruffle detail on this dress. It's perfect for spring.
I can't wait to get my hands on some of these! It's making me all kinds of excited for spring!
liberty of london,
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