Anyone who knows me knows I have a major sweet tooth. And with all of the sweet, wonderfully delicious and decadent desserts tempting me on Pinterest, it's no wonder I'm having a hard time getting rid of the last of this baby weight. Here are some super-yummy recipes that I've pinned and tried-they are SOOOOO good! But don't just take my word for it-try them out yourself!
I made these Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies for my sister's birthday back in March. I am told they did not last long once she got them.
I love all things mint chocolate chip and since they were green, I made these as a St. Patty's Day treat. They were yum!!!
My brother LOVES lemon, so when I saw these, I knew I had to make them for him for his birthday. These lemon brownies were light and delicious, with just the right amount of lemon.
Speaking of lemons, this lemon blackberry cheesecake was A-MAZ-ING! I absolutely love cheesecake and this totally hit the spot.
This is my Strawberry Rhubarb pie. The recipe is from, but I tweaked it a little {my changes will be marked in red.} It came out delicious! Not one piece was left :)
Such a yummy pie. If you've never had Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, I highly recommend it!

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