So I know my little lady is like nine months old now and this is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over due, but I wanted to share some pictures of her nursery with you all.
She doesn't have a room all to herself, as her room also doubles as our "office," so I didn't have a whole lot of space to work with or to hang things, etc. I choose shades of purples and greens accented with brown as the colors for her room {because, as mentioned, I'm not much of a pink girl.} While some of her things were hand-me-downs from her big brother {like the crib and car seat,} I wanted her to have a few things that were just for her and incorporated some vintage baby items {the print hanging at the head of her bed and the vintage baby booties} that I had received from my Nana.
I made her this cute name mobile with scrapbook paper in "her colors."
You can find a tutorial on how to make your own over at From Blank Pages. Diane's blog is one of my favorites{and I was lucky enough to have her as a guest here}! I plan on making one for the little man, too.
I love love love her changing table/dresser. It was a baby gift from my dad-the one we had with our first didn't survive the cross country move well enough to be used for baby # 2.
This time around, I wanted something a little longer than a typical changing table, so I'd have room for a diaper caddy and wipes and whatnot in addition to the changing pad. And I wanted something with a good amount of storage. This one has good-sized drawers and a little cupboard where I store her extra wipes, swaddling blankets, shoes, binkies, and little headbands.
Of all of the things in her room that I made, this is tied for first place of what I'm proudest of. This cute ribbon chandelier/mobile was inspired by this one shared on UCreate and I just love how it turned out! The paper flowers are from the same paper as her name mobile.
Oh, how I love this crib! I love the color and the sleigh details on it. It was our little man's and I hope it lasts through the rest of our kids, too. I got her bed set at Target for super-cheap and it went with the colors I had picked out perfectly!!
This is what is tied with the chandeleir-my very first ever quilt. I decided a while ago that I want to make a quilt for all of my kids, and chose to start with an easy one first.
I have to say, I am quite pleased with how it came out. I was inspired by this quilt I saw over at Little Birdie Secrets.
Ah, little clothes hanging in the closet-I love it!
I've got a project that I made for her room that I'll be sharing a little later-you'll love it!

Make Some Scribbles!
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