Monday, March 8, 2010

It's Monday! (again)

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend.  I sure did.  Finally over my cold and Bobby was feeling a lot better, too. The hubs got to come home early from his trip, but has to take off again tomorrow : (  At least I got a couple days with him.  My sisters-in-law and I had a grand time playing around down by one of the many lakes here in Lakeland, taking pictures and just goofing off on Saturday.  We had a little photo project that we were working on.  We wanted to find things that looked like letters and do the whole alphabet.  Mostly so we could make our own ones of these:

Char and I had seen some at Target (this one is actually from Lisa Leonard's blog-I couldn't find any on Target's website, they must only be in the stores) and I thought, we could make our own!  We decided to do the whole alphabet for fun (and for any future projects.)
Here's what I did with the pictures we took.  I quite like it.

Nothing like a day where there's nothing really to do but what you want.  I haven't had much photography time, so this was so much fun for me.  And I got to spend some quality time with my lovely sisters-in-law.  Not to mention that after weeks and weeks of cold, the weather was b-e-a-utifil!  Couldn't have asked for a better day.

Sunday we went back to my mom's to celebrate my brother's 18th birthday.  I made him this:

Boston Cream Pie (from scratch, mind you.  No box mixes here!)  It was delish!

So, that, in a nutshell, was my weekend.  How was yours?  Do anything fun?  Relaxing?

With all this photography running through my brain, imagine my excitement when I saw this giveaway!

Epiphanie is giving away a BRAND NEW Canon 5D Mark II ~OR~ a $2500 Southwest Airlines gift certificate!  If that ain't a way to start the week off right, I don't know what is!  You can enter here.  Contest ends March 31.

And if you haven't given me your feedback yet, please do!  I want to hear from you!

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