Friday, March 5, 2010

Fashion Fridays: Shade Clothing

First and foremost, I would like to thank Jen at Tatertots and Jello for featuring me today in her weekend wrap-up!  Thanks, Jen!  I'm honored!

Now, on to the clothes.

Oh, Shade, why can't you have a store in Florida?!  If there were one reason and one reason only that I would ever be ok with living in Utah, it would be the shopping.  They have such great stores!  Not that Florida doesn't have great shopping, too-I love the malls here.  They are A-MA-ZING!  But anyways, I love Shade clothing so very, very much and I'm sharing that love with you in today's Fashion Friday.  Here goes:

Anyone who knows me knows I love plaid!  Which is why I love this dress : )

You may remember this shirt from a past post-still loving it!

I'm always on the lookout for cute longsleeved shirts-this one makes the list for sure

There are never enough simple wardrobe pieces-I love this 3/4 sleeve shirt.  I'm also digging the necklace she's wearing

I'm crazy about this skirt.  It's simple, sure, but that makes it so versatile.  And the grey color is great.  I have like a billion white and black skirts and no grey ones.  I got really excited when I got this!

Oh tunics, can I ever tell you how much I love you?  Just imagine this one with a cute belt 'round the waist.  

SALE!!!  As if I didn't love Shade enough, there's this!  Go check out all the great deals going on over at Shade.  Have fun :)

Here's some other things to make your weekend happy:

Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle is finishing up their week of giveaways with this beauty from K Voss Designs

You can enter to win it here.  All the giveaways from this week run through the 11th so get going!

And Bobbi at Bobbityboo is giving away a necklace from Sweet Charli.  I like this one-a lot!

Go here to enter her giveaway!  It ends Sunday.

Happy Friday, all!


  1. I meant, I take for granted! I need to go there more!

  2. Cute clothes! I take advantage of living so close to Shade's stores, I need to go shopping for some spring items! Your blog is way cute! And thanks for the plug on the necklace giveaway! And I am jealous you live in the sunshine!!


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