Can we just take a moment and discuss how much motherhood sucks sometimes? Today was a colossally awful day. Like on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being fantastic and 10 being the pits, today was like a 15. No joke. It was just one frustration after another. I can't speak for the rest of mother-kind out there, but days like this leave me drained and exhausted in every way possible. What made today a 15? Let's review, shall we:
My day started off normally and without incident-got the boy up, fed and out the door for school on time, got the little lady up and fed, normal morning-time stuff at our house. Around 10, as I was running my 3-year-old through the bath, because, hey, wearing our cereal is so much more fun that actually eating it, I missed a call from my son's school. I listened to the message and I swear all of the blood left my face when I heard the words, "Mrs. Blahblah, this is Principal What's-her-face. There was a rather seriously incident with your son and he's now in my office. Please call me back as soon as you're able." Panicked, I immediately called the school and was put through to the principal, who then put my cherub-faced darling on the phone to tell me what he had done to land him in such hot water. Now, for the sake of his dignity later in life (stuff lives forever on the internet, amiright?), I will forgo all of the details of his crime, but suffice it to say, it was one of those "You did WHAT?!?!" moments, logged into the book of "Things I Ever Thought I'd Hear Myself Say."
Fast forward a bit to dinnertime, which as all of us mamas know, is second only to bedtime in terms of suckiness. The endless mantra of "eat your food" while your kid sits there and comes up with every delay tactic known to man, even though what you've made is their favorite thing in the whole wide world. Tonight was one of those nights. The 3-year-old has developed this lovely (and by lovely, I mean annoying as you-know-what) habit where she "chews" (it's in quotes because there is no chewing going on whatsoever, it just sits in her mouth) one bite for like 20 minutes. Well, tonight it was more like 40. For one piece of broccoli. Which she does like. Which she then gagged herself on, causing about half of her dinner to come up all over her fresh, clean PJ's and hair. Guess who had two baths today?
Add to that the whining that ensued from the boy once we got home because he lost tv and toys for the rest of the day due to his choices at school and that, my friends, is why both of my kids were in bed by 7:30 tonight.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love me kids. And I mean that, no sarcasm at all. They are the best things in my life in addition to my wonderful husband. I love being a mom and more importantly, I love being their mom. I wouldn't go back on that decision ever. And I really do love being able to stay home and raise them. I know so many women who want to be able to stay home with their kids can't and I know that I am blessed to be able to do so. I'm not trying to complain and say that my kids are awful and that my life sucks because I'm a mom. Because it doesn't. And I know it doesn't. There are just those days where by bedtime, you just sit and think, What the heck, universe?!?! And it's also nice to be able to vent a little about those awful days. Motherhood is the best and hardest job I have ever had. Being a mom is tough. There's a lot no one warns you about and there's days like this where all I want to do right now is eat my weight in ice cream, which, let's face it, would not be the best of choices. But I also know I'm not alone in feeling like this. I know there are so many other moms out there who have monumentally awful days like I just had. And there are some moms who have even worse days than the one I just lived through. Know that you're not alone!
Have you had a monumentally bad day lately?
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