Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mega Relaunch Giveaway: Winner, Winner!

This is a little later that I was planning-ah, the ups and downs of motherhood.  We've had a very unpleasant stomach bug go through our house, which has kept me up to all hours of the night, taking care of my sweet, sick kiddos.  I've done 10+ loads of laundry in the last two days, seriously.

But on to what you've all been waiting for-the winners of the Mega Relaunch Giveaway!!

Drumroll please......

The winners are:

Prize Pack from The Rustic Lily-Heather Mier Maret

Hair Elastic Set from CJN Flowers & Primitives-Nadine Adam

$10 GC from Shabby Chic Soap Company-Katherine Boone Perkins

$15 GC from Hippy Chic Diapers-Diane Habermehl Addy

Chevron Teether from Bright Eyed Owl-Ashley Alger

$25 Jamberry GC from Kylee Shaw, Jamberry Rep- Lizbeth LaJeunesse

Body wrap from Kathy Padua, It Works Rep- Dawn Wright

doTERRA Prize Pack from Brittany Roscheck, doTERRA Rep-Sheena Fratto

Mommy & Me headband set from My Bella Accessories-Sarah Ann Dela Cruz

Say No to Auto ebook from Kristen Duke Photography-Jami Manderick Rose

Newborn Prop & Layering set from Peek-a-Boo Props-Amanda Gatta

Newborn Pants & Tieback set from Ti Amo Bella-Laurie Lynn

Crochet gift pack from Southern Girl Accents-Danielle Williams Wheeler

Vintage-Inspired Chandelier necklace from Splendid Jewelry-Heather Winn

Congrats to all of our winners and thank you to everyone who entered!  I have sent each of the winners an email with the contact info for their prize-winners, you have 24 hours to contact the vendor to claim your prize or a new name will be drawn.

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1 comment:

  1. Didn't win my prize of doTERRA essential oils?! Request a free sample: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1H_ytCWtg_VGY8szmyD1x-K80zRK61EchHqxeWl6Y5U8/viewform

    (For those that are not already doTerra Members.)


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