Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Signage Update

Remember this sign from way back in July?

Well, I had mentioned back then that I was going to give it an update for each holiday.  I totally spaced on Halloween, but I have made a new insert for Thanksgiving.

Since I'm too poor to own any type of craft cutting machine, I used my freezer paper method (you can find the tutorial here.)

I found a font I liked, blew it up to the right size and printed out, then traced it onto my freezer paper.

Then cut out the letters,

filled them in with some brown paint and ta-da!

I added some ribbon (if you notice, it's the same ribbon from my quick fall sign) to the bottom to give it a little something extra ;)

I'm thinking about cutting out a little turkey or pumpkin to fill that empty spot.  What do you think?

post signature

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