Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who's That: Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle

Sorry I've been absent this week.  It's been busy and on top of that, Blogger has been giving me fits.  I don't know if it's just me and my computer or if it's actually a problem with Blogger, but its working now and that's all that matters.

Today I'm more than happy to introduce you all to the lovely Jackie from Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle.  

Her blog as one of the first I came across when I started venturing into bloggy-land, even before I started Scraps and Scribbles.  If you love interior design and all things lovely, Jackie's blog is the place to be.  She also has an awesome shop, One Sweet Find, where she sells her awesome interior finds.  

She let me interview her so you all could get to know her.  

My name is Jackie, I am 28 (pushing 29) years old.  I married my high school sweetheart eight years ago and am currently a stay-at-home-mom to two girls: Kara (2) and Natalie (4).  We live in California (born and raised-nothing comes close to the Golden Coast!) and all love going to the beach and visiting my parents who live in the wine country.  

Tell me a little bit about your blog.  What prompted you to start Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle and why?

When I had my first daughter almost five years ago, I went from working full time to being a stay at home mom.  The adjustment was really hard for me because I really missed the adult social interaction that I always had at work.  One day I was google-ing (is that a word?) something online and a blog popped up in the search results.  I clicked on the link, not knowing what it was, and the rest is history.  I was hooked.  One blog lead to another, then another and pretty soon I had a ton of blogs I was following and commenting on on a regular basis.  I thought to myself, this is so great getting to be inspired by and connecting with others from all over the world, all from the comfort of my own home!  Which is where I was stuck all day anyway! So never one to be left out, I started my own.

My blog has evolved over the years.  At first I really had no idea what I was doing, but I just started posting things that inspired me, usually in interior design, fashion and entertaining.  I also threw in some stuff about my personal life.  Today the topics remain the same-with a focus on fun and fresh finds in interior design, fashion and DIY.  Oh, and to explain my blog name, it was actually the nickname I gave to my first born.  One morning I walked into her room to get her from her crib and I blurted out "Good morning, my little Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle!"  I have no idea where that came from, but it stuck.  And since I had no idea what I was doing when I started my blog, I named it that.  Definitely not what I would choose now, but at least it's memorable!  

What inspires you?  What type of things do you find yourself being drawn to?

Well, definitely blogs.  I have never been more inspired than by the things I see on blogs.  Other than that: being by the ocean, magazines, reading,,  Oh, and now I find tons of inspiring things on twitter too!  Gotta love the interwebs.

What are your favorite things to create?

Little vignettes around my home.  I've blogged about vignettes before here, and it is one of my favorite things to do-mix and match and rearrange items throughout my home.

What have you enjoyed most about blogging?

Definitely the friends I have made.  I've had the opportunity to meet several in person and it is such a fun experience.  

What do you hope your readers take away from your blog?

I keep it light and entertaining on my blog, and I hope my readers leave feeling like they have a fun new idea for their home, wardrobe or life.

If you could blog swap with any one person for a day, who would it be and why?

That is nearly impossible to answer!  Off the top of my head- Mrs. Lillien
-she has such a great concept for her blog, it is truly genius.

I collect quotes for my blog.  Do you have a favorite quote you'd like to share?

Oh yes, I love a good quote!  I post one every week as well according to my yearly theme.  Last year it was "Simplicity" and this year it is "Think Bright Thoughts".  If I had to choose one, my favorite quote is "Time flies whether you are having fun or not." -Mary Engelbreight.  A nice reminder to just have fun with life already! 

What one skill do you wish you were better at?

Hands down: cooking.  I'm horrible at it.  Not at all creative-I can only follow a recipe and even then I have issues.  It just all overwhelms me.

How would you describe your personality?

Fun-loving, sarcastic, giggly, and I'm a big worry-wart.

What is your favorite product that you have reviewed?

A Shabby Apple dress.  There ended up being a really cool story that came about from wearing the dress that you can read in my review

What advertiser would you like to work with given a chance?

Hmmm, probably the stores I shop at most like Forever 21 and Target! Ha!

What is one thing you wish you had known before you started you blog?

That it would actually become successful and I would have to be saying the name out loud!

I know one thing a lot of us mom bloggers struggle with is balance.  How do you balance blogging, family and free time?

It is tough.  I try to do all my blogging after the girls are in bed, but even then I feel guilty because my husband is getting neglected.  I try and squeeze it in here and there where I can.  I also pop in twitter or my facebook page occasionally during the day, which only takes a minute or two and keeps me up on what is going on.

List your 3 favorite blog posts that you've written.

My favorite posts are those that get the most comments or interest-because isn't that what all bloggers live for?  

My first would be the post I did on my daughter Kara's nursery.  It was featured on a variety of websites like Oh Dee Doh and Spearmint Baby, and that is really how I got my big break so to speak.

Second is a post I did early on as well that somehow still gets the most hits-it's titled "I've Found My Interior Design Soul Mate" and features a home that I am still in love with today-and that says a lot!

Last it would be a recent "What I Wore" post I did.  I have always been shy about doing one, but since I loved it so much on other blogs I thought I would give it a whirl.  I got a ton of sweet comments on it, and that was a total confidence booster!

Tell me a bit about One Sweet Find.  What do you look for in the items you sell?

I've always been drawn to interior design, and several years ago I discovered the joys of thrifting and antiquing to find unique ans affordable items for my home.  Pretty soon it was all I could think about and became my favorite hobby.  I realized that I could join it with my other favorite hobby: blogging, and create an online shop filled with my findings.  I love the idea that something I have carefully selected, and in some cases restored, will make its way to a new home and be loved all over again.  I definitely feel like I "save" these items and give them a new life! 

As far as I what I look for when I am out hunting-my number one criteria is that I love it and would use it in my own home.  My style is broad-I love all things Hollywood Regency, Chinoiserie, "Country Chic" and beachy.  So those are the types of items you will find in my shop.    

Thanks for letting me interview you, Jackie!  I hope you all have enjoyed getting to know Jackie-go pay her a visit over at Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle!

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  1. Thanks for having me over on your great blog Courtney!

  2. Fun interview Jackie! I think I would trade places with Mrs. Lilien too!


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