Thursday, September 2, 2010

Let The Voting Begin!

Here are the submissions for the button contest.  Voting begins today and will run until September 7.

Design #1-submitted by Kassie
of Designs by Kassie

Design #2-submitted by Mary

Please vote for the one you'd most like to see here at Scraps and Scribbles and please only vote once.

A big thank you to the lovely ladies who submitted designs-I love them!

post signature


  1. I love #1 but then again I like anything with a lot of color :)

  2. I vote for #1. Not sure if this is where you vote or not, but I think that one is perfect. Although I do like the talk bubble idea. I came from TGC and have subscribed to your blog. Can't wait to read more!

  3. I like #1-especially the colors and the scribbles :)


I ♥ your comments! They make my day :)

If you have questions, please email me