Thursday, August 5, 2010

Who's That: The Stories of A to Z

So, I know this is a day late.  That's the story of my life lately.  Between my spotty internet and crazy errand-running.  If I could briefly describe the events of the past few months that finally concluded yesterday, I would.  But I won't bore you with that.  Let's just say that after nearly 3 months of headaches, fighting with our old leinholder and the tax collector's office, we FINALLY have our title and a license plate on our car.

Without any further ado, here we go!

This week's Who's That is the lovely and talented Beth from the Stories of A to Z.  I just love her blog!  It's a wonderful mix of cheap but beautiful decorating ideas, yummy recipes and Beth's 2 cents.  She's never afraid to tell it like it is and I find that both fun and refreshing!  It makes reading her blog not only informative but entertaining.

Here's what she has to say about herself:

"When I initially started this blog in January of 2008, it was a way for me to keep in touch with out-of-town family and friends and vent rejoice in all the escapades of being a mommy to Asher and Zephan (A to Z). It was a place for me to tell my stories of motherhood, faith, life-lessons, hardships, and chocolate. (Ever notice how chocolate is often the bedfellow to all-the-above? I don't think I could survive all-the-above any other way!)

In January 2009, I discovered decorating blogs and my world was forever transformed! Decorating on a dime has always been a hobby of mine, and I couldn't resist joining the party. However, I am still deeply passionate about my kids, my faith, and my chocolate so if you join this party expect a smorgasbord of stories.

On a personal note, I currently live in Central Pennsylvania with my amazing husband, Matt (aka Hubby).  We've been married for 11 yrs and enjoy playing house with A, Z, and G.  Gandalf is our big furry Keeshond with whom I have a love/hate relationship.
Although I sometimes wish I had a degree in decorating, my professional background is in counseling. I worked as a family counselor for two years and an elementary school counselor for seven before becoming a stay-at-home mom. I still try to help pay the mortgage by working as an adjunct college professor, amateur decorator, and addicted crafter.

In a nutshell, I don't take myself too seriously. I fumble through most of what I do. I am incredibly tenacious and resourceful. And most importantly, I believe in creating beauty out of chaos and sharing the stories with you! "

If you've never been to Beth's blog, here are some of the wonderful, awesome projects that you've missed:

Stumped on what to do for your little guy's birthday?  Beth gives you FIVE ideas.  FIVE!

I love the idea of using a gutter as a bookshelf.  And isn't her boys' room just awesome?!

I'm told that Beth makes a mean chicken alouette.  You can find her recipe here and try it out for yourself.

This had to be the neatest spin I've seen on a family whiteboard calendar.  Love it, Beth!

There are so many different takes on "family rules" boards and whatnot and I love what Beth came up with-a "Family Rules" window!

Beth's so cool, she even takes you on a tour of her home-which is just beautiful!

And she has a thing for mantles

And vignettes. To the point that she has parties.  You should go check out all of the awesome mantles and vignettes that people have linked up-great places for some inspiration!

I hope that you all have enjoyed getting to know Beth and her blog.  Go on over to the Stories of A to Z and have a look for yourself!

And don't forget to enter our Lisa Leonard giveaway-it ends tomorrow night at midnight!

1 comment:

  1. I love Beth too! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I am following you back! Have a great weekend.
    Bonnie :)


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