Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tipping Thursday: Vacation Packing

I decided to take a short detour from the make-up series and give you my tips on packing light without forgetting things while it was still fresh on my mind.  As I mentioned, I went up to Atlanta this past weekend with my sister to see our dad.  So I had packing on the brain.

No matter how long your trip is, whether it's a few weeks or just a weekend, there are some basic "Rules of Packing" that you can follow to ensure you have everything you need without over-packing.

1.)  Make a list.  This is by far the most important tool to packing.  I know it sounds tedious but it really does help!  First, make a list of the activities that you will be doing on your trip and what things they require (i.e. trip to the beach=swimsuit, flip flops, sunscreen, book/MP3 player, etc, etc.)  Also note how many days you will be gone.  You'll need an outfit for each day, as well as undies, socks, whatever.  Make a list of what you use in your daily beauty routine-items you use in the shower, make-up and skincare.  If it's really long, look at it and analyze what you can live without for a weekend and what is a necessity.  Think of the little extras that you might need-phone charger, extra batteries for you camera, medicines-and make sure those are on your list so they don't get left behind.  And check your items off as you pack them.

2.)  Look for items that are versatile.  As mentioned above, you will need an outfit for each day you're gone.  Pack items that can be worn in a variety of ways so you get more use out of them without having to pack as much.  Bring shoes that go with most of your outfits and that are comfortable.  Bring small accessories to change up your look easily.  If you're going to needing a "dressy" outfit, bring something that can is wrinkle-resistant, can be dressed up or down and can be worn more than once (if you need it to be.)

3.)  Really think about it!  Is it something that is going to make or break your trip if it gets left at home?  You don't need to bring your entire make-up collection with you on your vacation.  And it's ok to leave the hot rollers at home for the weekend-the world's not going to end.  But don't over-think your packing.  That's when the over-packing happens: when you start thinking, "well, maybe it could be cold in the evening.  I should bring a sweater," and you end up bringing a whole suitcase full of things you don't touch the entire trip.

4.)  Check the weather!  Is it going to be hot where you're going?  Then you probably don't need that sweater.  Is it supposed to be rainy?  Don't bring those leather shoes that can't get wet.  

5.)  Have a back-up plan.  I always bring an (JUST ONE) extra outfit-pants, shirt, undies, the works-because accidents can (and often do) happen and on vacation is not the place to be caught unprepared.  I make sure that the extra outfit goes with what I've already planned to bring.  But again, don't over think things and bring that sweater if you know you're most likely not going to need it.

6.)  Travel size it!  Get some little plastic bottles and use them for your shampoo, conditioner, whatever.  They take a lot less room than the full-size version.  I don't know about you, but I really don't like hotel shampoo.  It just doesn't treat my hair right.  So I do like to bring my own.  I prefer bottles that are re-fillable so that I don't have to go buy another one when it runs out.  Plus, if you're flying, most travel-sized items are FAA approved.

7.)  Don't forget the ticket!  If you're flying, make sure you've got your tickets, ID and passport (if needed) somewhere handy where they won't be left at home, like your purse or carry on, ahead of time.  Last thing you want is to get the airport and not have your ticket!

What are your tips for packing?


  1. Following you here from over at BlogFrog...looking forward to visiting often : )

  2. You should include Putting at least 1-2 days worth of clothes in your carry-on incase you get separated from your checked bags...


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