Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Who's That: Red Heads Craft More Fun

I'm swappin' blogs with Red Heads Craft More Fun today! My very first blog swap. I'm so excited! Go check it out!

Since it's a blog swap, that means I've got a guest here today! I'm so pleased to introduce you all to the wonderful Courtney from Red Heads Craft More Fun. Doesn't she have the coolest name ; )? I always get excited when I meet another Courtney and she is da bomb! She's here sharing an awesome jewelry organizer tutorial with you that you are sure to love!

Hey everyone! My name is Courtney and I am the fun-loving red head over at Red Heads Craft More Fun! I am so pleased to be here at Scraps and Scribbles with Courtney because, well, she has a totally awesome name and her blog is just oh-so-adorable!

Today I am excited to be sharing with you a fun tutorial on organizing jewelry for a super-cheap price!

Up until recently, the weather in Michigan has been anything but Spring-like, but, I have still felt the need for a little spring cleaning. When I walked into my bedroom, I was faced with this:

My jewelry was in a huge, tangled pile!! Yup, those are even a few necklaces hanging over the tv! Part of me never wants to buy new jewelry because I know I don't take care of it the way I should. Something had to be done.

On a recent trip to The Dollar Tree, I found these cork boards:

I decided to paint them Heirloom White to match the moulding in my room.

I also painted some cup-hooks heirloom white as well.

I trimmed scrapbook paper to fit into the frame of the corkboard. I had to gently push it to fit into the opening. It took some finesse, but with a little patience, I got it to work out.

I screwed the cup-hooks into the bottom of the frame.

Hang 'em on the wall and then organize that jewelry!

What I like about this idea is if I ever get sick of the blue paper, or if I repaint the room, all I have to do is cut new scrapbook paper out and I can switch it up!

Looks like I have some room for more jewelry... maybe I can finally buy some now that I have a place to safely store it!

If you like what you see, feel free to stop over to my blog at Red Heads Craft More Fun and check out some of my other tutorials, I love to meet new people! Thanks Courtney for letting me invade Scraps and Scribbles, it was so much fun!


  1. Hey Courtney! Thanks for the great idea to do a blog swap! Glad it all turned out in the end. :o)

    Have a great day!!

  2. I think I might do this for my daughter. Thanks!


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