Friday, June 4, 2010

Life Gets In The Way

I will be gone from blog land this weekend.  If you didn't notice the fact that I missed my post yesterday, then never fear.  You're as out of it as me : )  But these last two days and weekend to come will be very busy (as it is, I'm taking the only free five minutes I've had today to write this quick little post to let you all know what's going on.)  Both my brother and brother-in-law graduate from high school this week.  The BIL's graduation was last night, and my brother's is tonight.  This meant getting the apartment clean (and I mean, REALLY clean) since my dad is staying with us, running a month's worth of errands in a day and spending a nice weekend with all of my family.  So, while I love you all and will miss you this weekend, I'm taking a break.  But I will be back Monday, with fun things and (hopefully) an awesome giveaway for you on Wednesday (I say hopefully because I'm still working out the details, but everything should be in order for it to happen next week.)

Happy Friday and I hope you all have a terrific, safe weekend!  See you Monday!

1 comment:

  1. My life has been nuts too. It's ok to not blog a couple days. Enjoy time with the fam.


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