Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who's That: Mad Boastings of a Cheapskate Mom

Meet Tamara, the Cheapskate Mom.  She is wonderful.  No, really, she is.  If you aren't already following her blog, you ought to be!  She gives us a peak into her life, raising her three boys as well as little things to make us laugh, ways to save money and become cheapskate moms ourselves.  'Cause who doesn't want to save money, especially these days?  She has everything from recipes to ways to spruce your home-even a whole section of her blog called "Cheap Tips" that covers almost any subject you could want.  All mixed in with little bits of her life, so you really get to know the woman behind the blog.

I hope you enjoy reading her as much as I do.  Check out her awesome, fantastic blog here!


  1. Hey Courtney! Thanks for the shout out and the props! I really enjoy blogging esp when I get to meet great new friends like you!

    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks Tamara! I really love your blog (if you couldn't tell) and appreciate all your kind words and support!


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