Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hand-made Goodie of the Week: Gift in a Jar

I originally made these as Christmas gifts, but they work for any time of year.  You can find all kinds of Gift in a Jar recipes on Craft Bits.  There's everything from cookies to cakes to brownies to fudge.

 To make one, you'll need:

1 quart glass wide-mouth jar with lid
Ribbon or rafia
Recipe card
Ingredients as listed for whichever recipe you choose to use

Assemble ingredients in jar as instructed.  Copy recipe on card.  Cover top with fabric and tie recipe card on around top of jar.

That's it!  You're done!

1 comment:

  1. As a teacher, i love getting these as a gift, great for last minute situations. Thanks for entering my giveaway and following my blog!


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