Wednesday, July 13, 2011

{Who's That} Accessorize With Feather Girl and a GIVEAWAY!-CLOSED

I'm so happy to have my real-life friend Heather over here today to show you her cute creations.  I've known her for years!  She recently started an accessories shop where she sells her uber cute crocheted creations called Accessorize With Feather Girl.  When she asked if she could be a guest over here in response to my call for guests, I immediately said yes!  You will love her and the cute things she makes!  

Thanks for having me on your blog Courtney!!  I have known Courtney for a loooong time and am always amazed by her creativity!! 
Heather's the name, crochet is my game!!!  I am a stay at home mom and have been for the better part of the past 16 years.  I started crocheting when I was about 9.  My mom would make little projects here and there and thought that I needed to learn some kind of craft .... something that I could, eventually pass on to my daughter one day.  I use her for a lot of my pics, because she inspires me to be creative and I am passing my love of crochet on to her!  

Me and my Muse!
I picked up my crochet hook again in December of this past year, after seeing some scarves a friend had made.  I got to thinking ... hmmmm .... I bet I could do that!! So, I got online to get some ideas of things and started crocheting again.  I don't make up all of my own patterns, and will be posting links to the ones that I have used, as I appreciate the work that others have done to come up with these patterns, and want to give credit where credit is due!  I do, upon occasion, try to find ways to make things more to my liking, instead of using an exact pattern. 

One of my favorite things that I have done is a cell phone case.  These were inpired by my daughter, who is 9.

I love these little "bags" They started out as IPod Touch cases, my muse was looking for something to carry hers in and asked me to make her one ... I could tell that the first one I made her was not really what she was looking for.  And as I was working on something else, I came up with the pattern for this. Believe it or not, I was making baby shoes when I started playing with this style of case.  The first one I made was a solid color, then I started experimenting with colors, stitches and buttons and this was the result!  There is a back pocket that accomodates a cell phone or ID ..or whatever you want!! 

This is actually the first pattern I tried! It was just a plain hat, no embellishment on it, but anyone that knows me, knows that I love "accessories"!!  I changed the size hook from the original pattern and added a bow and Voila!!  I LOVE these hats, they are fun and can be made to match any outfit or jacket!!  I love doing them in stripes to match Tennessee's favorite team ... the Vols!! 

My daughter loves headbands, so when I saw something similar to this one online, I got busy!!  I love crocheting different styles of flowers or adding crochet bows for fun and flirty looks!!

These are just a few of the things that I make!  I love being able to make something that will bring a smile to someone's face!! 
Again .... thank you Courtney ... you are amazing!! 

Thanks for stopping by Scraps and Scribbles today, Heather!  I'm so happy to show you off!

Heather has a real treat for you all-she's giving away one of her cute brimmed hats!

One lucky reader will win a hat in her choice of colors, adorned with either a bow or flower.

Here's how to enter:
Mandatory entry:  Go visit Heather's blog and become a follower.  Then come back over here and let me know which of Heather's creations you just love.

For some extra entries, you can:
~Become a follower of Scraps and Scribbles and let me see your shiny, happy face in my sidebar {if you're already a follower, great!}  Just leave me a comment letting me know that you follow.
~Leave some comment love on Scraps and Scribbles' Facebook page
{as I'm sure most of you know, Facebook rules have changed and "liking" a page can no longer be used as an entry for giveaways.  However, if you'd like to "like" Scraps and Scribbles while you're there, go for it!  It just doesn't count as an entry.}
~Leave some comment love on Accessorize with Feather Girl's Facebook page.
~Follow Scraps and Scribbles on Twitter.
~Mention the giveaway on Facebook
~Tweet about the giveaway
~Blog about the giveaway

Be sure to leave a separate comment for each thing you do {If you blog about the giveaway, please include a link back in your comment.}  The giveaway will run until midnight EST on Tuesday July 19th.  I'll announce the winner the next day.

Good luck!

And don't forget about the Shabby Apple giveaway-it ends Sunday!

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  1. I love the baby hats and matching headbands. With another granddaughter on the way, I plan to order some. Thanks for the feature and the giveaway.

    I'm following both of your blogs as Libby's Library.

    BTW, I'm Sariah-Lynn's mom:-)

    Come visit my blog when you get the chance!

  2. My Shiny Happy Face is now gracing your sidebar;-)


  3. Left you some comment love (and a like) on FB


  4. Phew that is a long list. Will try to remember to do it all. COunt me in on Heather's giveaway. Tell her LG wants those pink gloves. :)

  5. couldn't get twitter to follow you for some reason. :(

  6. Feather's a fantastic crocheter... is that a word? I follow her blog. So awesome. Man that tote is to die for!

  7. op! I missed the deadline for the giveaway, but that's fine. She is my friend too, and I was just showing support for her. :) Love your blog btw...

  8. Love the iPod near! Do you have the written pattern? Where could I find it?


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