Wednesday, May 11, 2011

{A Glance} Projects in Progress

I wanted to give you all a glimpse at some projects I'm currently working on yesterday, but due to my dog chewing through our cable, our internet was down.  Don't ask.  But it's up and running today, so here they are.

Oh, how I love spray paint and its magical transformative powers.  You may recognize some of these goodies from my recent thrifting post.

This pretty frame got a coat of white and tomorrow it's getting glazed (I found some at Lowe's today-I knew they wouldn't disappoint!)

And this one got a coat of lovely blue and will get glazed tomorrow, too.

My candlesticks are now brown and are going to be used to

Turn these babies into pedestal birdhouses!  Or, bird castles as the little man calls them.  As soon as they are dry (they both had to get second coats today) and after a little sanding to roughen up the edges, I'll be putting them together.

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  1. I can't wait to see it all together--love that turquoise so much! Top that with pretty frames and birdhouses and the pedestals--wow!! So excited!


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