Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yummy Memories

My Grandma Kanar has the best sugar cookie recipe, hands down.  No, seriously, she does.  I would totally duel anyone who disagrees.  Now, my grandma isn't much of a cook-just ask her-but these cookies are one of those things that she does very well.  And these fantastic cookies have been the center point of some great family memories.  If you ask my father, Christmas doesn't really come without cut-out cookies.  Every Christmas when I was growing up, we as a family would make these delicious cut-out cookies and decorate them together.  I have many memories of all of us in the kitchen, cutting out cookies, popping them in the oven and then decorating them once they had cooled.  And we'd get to eat our favorites that night.  And of course, leave some out for Santa Christmas Eve.  But these cookies are just for Christmas.  On Valentine's Day and Easter, my mom would make special cookies and tuck them into our lunch boxes.  She would do hearts for Valentine's Day, something my mother-in-law also does for her children even to this day, and little ducks for Easter.  I always loved it.  It made us feel special because my mom took the time to make us a treat just for that holiday.  It's a tradition I definitely plan on carrying on with my own children.  Which is why it's so handy that I have Grandma's recipe.  And in case you wanted to start some traditions of your own, I'm sharing it with all of you!  

Grandma Kanar's Cut-Out Sugar Cookies

5 c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 c. sugar
3 tsp. baking powder
1 c. shortening
3 eggs, well beaten
1/2 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla

In medium bowl, combine flour, salt, sugar and baking powder.  Add in shortening and work in with hands until mixture is fine.  Add in eggs, milk and vanilla.  Roll out the dough, grab your cookie cutters and cut into desired shapes.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Get the kiddos involved!  Have them each pick out their favorite shape to cut out and decorate once they're baked.  It's a fun way to make some yummy memories of your own!

You could make these for Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving and of course, Christmas.  They're also great for themed birthday parties because you can make them whatever shape you want!

Happy baking!
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  1. Gah! Thank you for this! My family's sugar cookie recipe sucks. Like, horribly. But everyone makes it because it's "tradition." To me, it's a waste of time and money. I've been getting the premade dough the past few years, but I hate messing with it too, so we don't do many cookies, which is terrible 'cause I have quite the collection.

    I'll try these this weekend, for sure!

  2. These cookies are to die for, absolutely die for!! Great post. Thanks for sharing this with us.


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