Wednesday, February 9, 2011

{Who's That} Thoughts That Stick {and a giveaway!}

I'm so pleased to introduce you all to the lovely Julie from Thoughts That Stick.  She and I are blog swappin' today {which means you can find me over at her blog.}  
I'll let her tell you all a bit about herself.  Take it away, Julie!

                        Hi Everyone!  My name is Julie Pitta and and I  feel honored to be sharing some crafting ideas                     with all of you today here on Courtney's blog!  You can find me over at my blog called  Thoughts that Stick
I love to inspire others through my passion for papercrafting, home decor, design and photography.  I hope you will drop by for a visit.  Especially today, since Courtney is my guest as well!

You will find lots of different ideas  on my blog, from card making to home decor ideas, here is a pillow I made recently.
The fabric showcased is from my Stampin Up catalog line, it is absolutely beautiful and very spring-like. 

Here is a card I  designed for Valentines day......

And here are some really cute necklaces that I made out of Scrabble tiles.  These are so fun and easy to make!

 I hope you found something intriguing while visiting me! 
Thank you Courtney for having me as a Guest!  it was fun!  

Aren't those necklaces lovely?  Well, Julie is giving one away (winner's choice) to one lucky Scraps and Scribbles reader.  That's right!  It can be yours.  Here's what you got to do to enter:

 {Since this giveaway is for Scraps and Scribbles readers only, you do need to be a *public* follower of Scraps and Scribbles and show me your lovely face in my sidebar (already a follower?  Great!)}

Mandatory entry:  Head on over to Julie's blog, follow along and leaver her a comment saying you're stopping by from Scraps and Scribbles.  Then come on back here and leave me a comment letting me know you're following and what you liked over at Thoughts That Stick.

Want some extra entries?  Here you go!

~"Like" Scraps and Scribbles on Facebook
~Follow Scraps and Scribbles on Twitter
~Blog, Tweet or mention the giveaway on Facebook with a link back to this post

The giveaways ends Tuesday, February 15th at midnight EST.  I'll choose a winner at random and announce it Wednesday, February 16th.

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  1. I have both blogs in my Goggle reader.. Love the posts and all the ideas

  2. Courtney!
    Thank you for featuring me! I LOVE your blog!
    great ideas, and your sense of style is fabu!
    Smiles, Julie

  3. CUTENESS!! I followed you on FB!! :)

  4. I'm now following her cute blog!! :)


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