Saturday, February 19, 2011

Random Ramblings on My Weekend

Just taking a much-needed break from writing my massive research paper for my Ancient Greece class.  Anybody want to know about Socrates?  I'm practically an expert now (jk, not even close, but I do know enough to write a 8-10 page paper!)  My brain can't handle anymore right now.

School has really got me stressed out, especially these last few weeks.  I've had major tests, this paper and a huge final next week.  And I'm so lost in my web design class it's not even funny.  I thought it might be fun to learn a little html, especially since I've entered the blogging world-I want to be able to do more tweeking myself. Well, it turns out, computer language is WAAAAAAY over my head.  Luckily my teacher is super-nice and is trying to help me "get it."  So far, though, nothing's sinking in.

Enough of that.  What do you all have planned for your weekends?  Anything fun?

I've been taking the puppy to the dog park near our house the last couple days.  He loves it!  He plays til his little heart's content with the other dogs, then comes up and takes a 2 hour power nap.  Here he is, passed out in the car.  So cute.

The hubby and I got to go on a date last night. We went bowling.  He beat me (by a lot.  I'm an awful bowler, but I still like playing) but we still had a great time.  

I hope you all have a great weekend and aren't stuck at home like me, writing research papers!
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  1. Aww your dog is so cute!!! I love how they can act like children: going to the park, get some hardcore playing acting in and passing out! so cute!! Have a great weekend :)

  2. My weekend has been calm. I haven't done anything today but catch up on some laundry and housework. Tomorrow the hubby will work on the addition to our home & I will clean the porch and yard up. Fun stuff, huh? I don't think I could handle all that computer language either. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to HTML and such. Hope you get it soon! Glad you had a good time bowling. We haven't been bowling in ages. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend :)


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