Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Festival Link Party

Hey guys!  I'm back from my week of no blogging.  I really appreciate everyone being so understanding.  I really needed that week to get my life back in order!  There are some great things coming this week that I hope you all will enjoy.

Fall has officially found Florida.  I got to dig out my cozy sweaters this weekend (finally!) 
In celebration of Fall's arrival (for me, at least), it's party time once again!  

Here's how it's going to work:

*Link up your fab Fall-related projects-it can be crafts, sewing, recipes, whatever you'd like to share that has to do with Fall.  You can link up as many projects as you'd like!
*Grab the party button and hang it up somewhere on your blog for others to see.  This helps spread the word, because when it comes to parties, the more, merrier!
*When linking, please link to the post where your project can be found, not to your blog's main page.  No giveaways or unrelated posts, please.  These will be deleted, which makes me feel mean, so don't do it!
*Visit your "neighbors" to the left and right of you (as well as anyone else you'd like to check out) and leave them some comment love.  It makes people smile :)

The party will be happening today through Thanksgiving.  I'll be picking out projects to show off during that time, so start linking up!  

Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

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I ♥ your comments! They make my day :)

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