Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Show-offs Part 4: Sweets and Such

Hope you're all enjoying the parade of projects.  Here are today's show-offs.

Round 4:
Sweets and Such

 I never would have thought of doing a gingerbread house for Halloween.  You can check out Cheryl's at A Pretty Cool Life.

This cute candy bowl is made out of a flower pot!  Crafty Cierra shows you how.

Who could ask for a cuter place to keep their treats?  Find out how to make it over at Lee, Me and the Girls.

Could these ghost s'mores be any cuter?!?! Go over to Scrumptious Swirls to get the recipe to make your own.

Mega Crafty and Mega Spooky have your sweet tooth covered with these yummy cauldron cupcakes and these cute ghost treat bags

If you were featured today, don't forget to grab a button!
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  1. <3 your blog! I'm more of a lurker, lol, as i'm craft-challenged, but your blog rocks!


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