Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Madness: Rolly Poley Scarecrow

You may have seen my my rolly poley scarecrow hanging out near my burlap pumpkin last week.  Now I'm going to show you how to make your own!

This one I made for my sister.
To make your own, you'll need:

Halloween or Fall-themed fabric
Felt to match your fabric
A small twig
One large (1 1/2 in.) wooden ball and two small (1/2 in.) wooden balls
Black paint
Hot glue and gun
Needle and thread
Small straw hat

Take your fabric, fold it in half and cut out a semi circle.  

So it looks like this.  You can skip the folding and just cut out a circle about 9 inches wide.


For the arms, cut out a rectangle 6 1/2 x 4 inches.

Fold the rectangle in half and stitch the edges together.

Turn right-side out and stitch one end close.  Then stuff with polyfill and then stitch closed the other end.

So it looks like this.

For the torso, take the circle and stitch around the edge and gather it together, but don't tie it off yet.  

Leaving a small opening in the circle, pour a small amount of rice in to act as a weight.  Then fill with polyfill, pull tight to close and tie closed.

Glue the arms onto the torso, like so.

To make the collar, take a piece of your felt, cut a small circle, 

 then cut triangles out to make the edges look like this.


Glue the collar in the center of the center of the arms, and glue some small pieces of raffia underneath to look like straw.

For the face, take the large wooden bead and paint a face mine.  I did mine like a jack-o-lantern.  

Allow to dry then glue on top of collar.

Take your small straw hat, and hot glue small pieces of raffia inside, almost all of the way around.

Then glue onto the head.

Like this.

For the hands, you can glue on the small balls on either
 end of the arms and tuck in some raffia 

Or you can make straw hands by gluing some raffia in place before sewing up the ends.

For a little added touch, you can make him a broom.  Take your small stick and some bits of raffia and wrap a long piece around to hold them in place and glue the ends down.

And there you go!

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  1. This guy looks so cute...Thanks for sharing!

  2. So adorable! I love it to pieces. Such a fun gift.

  3. Found your scarecrow on House of Heptworths link party. He looks so sweet!
    Great Fall deco.
    Best regards


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