Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Who's That: Mod Podge Rocks!

I am so pleased to introduce you all to the amazing Amy from Mod Podge Rocks!

She is seriously the Mod Podge Queen. In addition to her awesome mod podge blog, she is a contributor to the blog Paint Me Plaid, which you should totally check out, too.  It's full of all kinds of awesome paint-related projects.  Amy is here today sharing an awesome Halloween project that I hope you all love!

Speaking of Halloween, don't forget to link up your Halloween projects to the Halloween party!

Not so very long ago, I did a post on how to use white transfer paper. Before that, I never had used transfer paper. You'll be pleased to know that I finished my very first transfer paper project - and here it is! My skeleton pumpkin, or "skelle-punkin'" if you will. I'm very happy with the results, and now I will show you how to make one for your very own.
In case you are joining for the first time, here's a list of supplies that I used on this project:
  • Craft pumpkin - I used Celebrate It brand from Michaels
  • Skeleton clip art printed out to fit the pumpkin - I got mine from Microsoft
  • FolkArt Paint - Licorice, Dove Gray, Metallic Silver Sterling
  • Mod Podge - Silver Glitter
  • Purple craft leaves - again, Celebrate It from Michaels
  • Paintbrushes in two sizes - small and large
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Pipe Cleaners, black
  • White transfer paper and stylus
  • Tape

If you check out my transfer paper post, you'll see that I left off here, with the clip art image having been transferred to the pumpkin. To catch up, paint your pumpkin with Licorice until fully covered, allow to dry and then use this tutorial to transfer the image to the front of the pumpkin.

Use your small brush to paint in the skeleton design with Dove Gray. Follow the transfer paper lines as closely as you can. Keep painting until you'll filled the skeleton completely in and then allow to dry. Don't forget the stem.

Use your small brush and Metallic Silver Sterling to paint over the Dove Gray. It gives it a nice little sheen. Cover and then allow to dry. Paint the stem too. You are so close to being done you can't imagine. By the way, does this photo look like I'm painting in a basement?

Coat your pumpkin with several layers of Glitter Mod Podge, allowing to dry between coats. This should sparkle nicely on the black paint! Set aside and allow to dry.

While you are waiting for the pumpkin to dry, take some of your leaves and glue onto the ends of pipe cleaners. You should use your hot glue gun; I'm A.D.D. so I grabbed the glue that was sitting right there.

Once dry, wrap the pipe cleaners around your finger to make a curled vine effect.

Using your hot glue gun, attach the pipe cleaner "vines" to the top of the pumpkin, then start attaching leaves. Glue leaves down until you feel your pumpkin has enough - basically to your heart's content!

Let the glue cool before placing out, and then enjoy your spooky decoration. If you would like to set outside, make sure to spray with a waterproof enamel sealer.

Isn't Amy's pumpkin awesome?!?!  I hope you all head over to Mod Podge Rocks! and check out her other equally amazing projects!


  1. I am going to make one of these. LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks for the feature dear!!! xo

  3. <3!!! Im going to add those stems to ones Ive already decorated!!! I love it!


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