Thursday, September 16, 2010

Halloween Madness!

I can't believe it!  Halloween is right around the corner!
As you can see, my blog is already getting dressed up for the occasion.
You may have noticed this little guy hanging out on my sidebar the last couple of days.  You may have wondered why he's there.  

I'm throwing my very first link party!  That's right!  Sorry it's a day late-I was having some difficulties with Mr. Linky last night and didn't get it up in time.

Here's the low-down:

~Link up your Halloween-themed projects starting today through October 24.  It can be a craft, a recipe, a sewing project, whatever, as long as it's related to Halloween.  You may link up as many projects as you like!
~When linking, please link to the post where your project can be found, not to your blog's main page.  No giveaways or unrelated posts, please.  These will be deleted, which makes me feel mean, so don't do it!
~Visit your "neighbors" to the left and right of you (as well as anyone else you'd like to check out) and leave them some comment love.  It makes people smile :)
~Grab Mr. Pumpkin and put him somewhere on your blog, so others can join in the fun!  Parties are best when everyone joins in, right?!
~PLEASE hold up on linking your Fall themed projects-this party is Halloween-only!  I'm going to be throwing a Fall link party once Halloween has come and gone, so never fear!

I'll be highlighting your projects the entire week before Halloween!

And, starting next week, I'll be sharing a Halloween project each week until Halloween.
Let the party begin!  I can't wait to see what you all have up your sleeves!

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  1. Oh how fun, you beat me too it, but just saw your party now, he he. I started one too jut a few days ago, **6 weeks 2 Spook**, check it out when you start your projects, and I will link up to your for sure, just haven't done anything myself yet, he he. Thats why I need the party for ideas, lol. Your newest follower!!!


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