Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Halloween Madness: Felt Bat Bag

Don't forget to link your Halloween projects up for the Halloween party!

This little guy was one of my very first posts.  Back when I didn't really know how to write a proper tutorial :)  I thought I should re-visit him and give him an update.


2 pieces of black felt.

Fabric paint

Black and orange ribbon

Scissors and hot glue

Fold your piece of felt in half and cut out two bat shapes out of the felt.

Cut one piece of orange ribbon and one piece of black ribbon.  Mine was about 9 inches long, but you can make your handles however long you'd like.

Hot glue them together, by tracing a thin line of glue around the outline of the bat, leaving the top open.

Attach the ribbon for the handles by hot-gluing the ends onto the inside of the bat's ears.

Using the fabric paint, do outline of the wings and body of the bat on the front of the bag.

And there you go!
If you like instant gratification, this little bat will be available in my Etsy shop!

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  1. oh my goodness, that is so cute! and i love that top with the bow you made. stopping over from NFF, and glad i did!

  2. What a fun idea! Thanks for linking up to Beyond The Picket Fence's Under $100 Party!


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