Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Coming to you from...

Tell me where you're from-I'd like to get to know you all a little better!  

As I'm sure a vast majority of you are aware, I'm a Floridian.  I love the Sunshine State, with its beautiful beaches and awesome thunderstorms.  It truly is my home.

So just leave me a comment, telling me which state you're in and something you like about living there!

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  1. Hi Courtney- I am from a small town in southwest Missouri only 2 miles north of Arkansas. I love that we are in the mountains and we are by beautiful natural springs that I get to see everyday! I also love that I can shop in Springfield,Missouri OR Jonesboro, Arkansas~!

  2. I hail from the HEartland...Kansas City, MO. While, when visiting larger cities like Chicago and Atlanta, I think "Man, it'd be nice to live here!" I actually cherish the fact that KC is known for it's small town feel...hard to find in a big city. The fact that you can run the A/C AND heat in the same day is something I'll never get used to though.

  3. I am from Columbia, Missouri...I like it here most of the time, but would like it better if it had an ocean within 15-20 minutes!!

  4. I'm from a town 45 minutes northwest of Atlanta. I like being close to the city, but not actually living in the city. The thing I like about our town is that there are car shows during the summer and the shops have sales during them.

    -Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl

  5. The great state of Texas on the Gulf Coast, we get those wonderful thunderstorms too! :)


I ♥ your comments! They make my day :)

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