Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hand-made Goodie of the Week: Pin Cushion Wristlet

Sorry that this is so late, all.  My day took an unexpected turn right after lunch wen I had to take the hubby to the ER.  He had been having some weird things happening with his arm and face and we decided it needed a professional opinion.  He's home and fine, so no worries there.  But it did suck up my ENTIRE afternoon.  So, without any further delay, here's this week's project.

Oh, and hey, don't forget about our Along for the Ride giveaway-it ends tonight at midnight, so you still have some time to enter!

Pin Cushion Wristlet

This is so handy when you're sewing!  You've got your pins right there when you're moving around.  And it didn't cost me a dime-I used items I already had!

To make yours, you'll need:

Fabric, polyfill, needle and thread (to make your mini pin cushion)
Old, clean plastic lid
Hot glue and glue gun

As you can see, my cushion was already made (I didn't need it as just a pin cushion since I made my awesome pin cushion can.)  To make one, cut out two pieces of fabric in whatever shape suits your fancy, sew closed around the edges leaving a small opening for the stuffing, stuff and sew close the opening.  Ta-da!

Cut a length of elastic about 1 inch shorter than the circumference of your wrist.

Then cut out a piece of the lid.  It should be as wide as the widest part of your cushion and, depending on how big your shape is, about 2 inches long.  I just kind of eyeballed it, and you are welcome to do the same : )

Place a thin line of hot glue along one edge of the plastic piece and stick on one end of the elastic.  Repeat with the other end.

So it looks like this.  

Cover the remaining plastic with hot glue and

Attach your cushion.

Add pins and get sewing!

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