Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hand-made Goodie of the Week: Picture Frame Earring Organizer

In case you weren't able to make it over to Women Who Do It All to see my guest post, here's what you missed:

 I don't know if you have the same problem I do with your earrings, but I can't seem to find an organization system that works.  First, there was this:

Then I moved on to this:

It worked for a little bit but my earrings kept falling off.  And there just wasn't enough space.  So I started thinking, what else could work?  I needed something that would work for my bigger earrings and my hoops, which the french memo board didn't accommodate very well.  Here's what I came up with:

Picture Frame Earring Organizer

To make yours, you'll need:

A picture frame
Paint and brush
Hot glue gun

I got this frame at the Goodwill outlet for like 50 cents!  

Took it apart

And painted it a lovely shade of peacock teal.  

Once the teal was dry, I spray painted the whole thing black.

When the black paint had dried, I lightly sandpapered the frame so that the teal would peak through.

Like so.

Taking the ribbon, cut 9 pieces the same length as the width of your frame.  This will make 3 braids.  If you want more than 3, go for it!  It's really up to you!

Loosely braid three pieces together.  

Then hot glue the three braided pieces onto the back of the frame.  Space them however you'd like.  Some of my spaces were bigger for my longer earrings.

And volia!!  A customizable organizer for your lovelies.  And on the cheap!

This one is currently for sale in my Etsy shop, so if you love it, go get it before it's gone!  

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with all the different earring and jewelry hangers. I love your take on it as well. I just did one a few weeks ago, come by and check it out.

    Visiting by way of Tatertots & Jello


    If you have any halloween inspiration you would like to add to our link party, check it out at http://makazhome.blogspot.com/2010/07/its-spooktacular-inspirational-parteeeh.html


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