Thursday, July 8, 2010

Checking Off That To-Do List Part 1

Yesterday I made a significant dent in my summer projects To-Do list.  I knocked out 4 (yes, 4!) projects yesterday afternoon whilst the little man napped.  Here's what I got done:

Busted out the mod podge and made myself a tin can pincushion.  Well, it's a frosting can, but the effect is the same.  I used Living with Punkstutorial to make it.

I FINALLY made my sweater and pearl necklace after drooling over it for months after seeing it over at Craftaholics Anonymous.

I changed mine up just a bit by adding a second, ruffly flower in the center of the big sweater flower.  I'm very happy with how it turned out and can't wait to wear it.

Months and months ago, Jen from Tatertots and Jello had posted a tutorial on how to make springy wreath using old spoons.  I loved it.  Then, using that as inspiration, Ann Marie from White House, Black Shutters made her own version and I loved that one even more!  So, with the extra silverware from some other projects, I made me one.  

It's hanging out on my porch.  I really liked how it turned out.  I had a bit of a problem getting the silverware to stay together-they wanted to slip and slide around-but using my crafty skills, I made them behave : )

Last but not least, I jazzed up this glass jar that has become my son's shell display.  Even though he's only 19 months old, he loves to pick up shells at the beach.  I washed out a big sauce jar and put the shells in there.  But then there was the lid.  The ugly, saucy (not literally) lid.  I wanted something that would be natural-looking and boy-ish.  Burlap it was.  Tied on with a little jute, which can be untied so the lid can come off to add more shells.  Perfect.

They need some better organizing to show them off better, but you get the idea.

Little man woke up just as I was finishing up my silverware wreath.  So I gave him my can of buttons to play with.

He had a blast putting them in the can and then dumping them back out.

If I had only known that he would find buttons so entertaining, I would have let him play with them a long time ago!

And that's what I did yesterday. I'm hoping to knock out a few more this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I actually love those button photos. It doesn't take much, does it???!!!


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