Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Project To-Do List

With me being out last week, and my blog swapping buddy for this week dealing with sickness, this week's Who's That has been moved to next week.  And I didn't have anything for yesterday's Handmade Goodie, either.  Sorry guys.  

But there are many projects on the horizon.  I've got a whole list.  Seriously.  Here's some of the things I hope to get done before summer's over:

Just found this today via Mod Podge Rocks and I can't wait to make one for myself!  Check out the tutorial over  at Living with Punks.

My little man would love a boy-version of this super-cool cardboard playhouse.  This one was made by the ever-so-talented Kimbo of A Girl and A Glue Gun-you can find the tutorial here.

Jen from Tatertots and Jello shared this awesome Anthro-inspired tee over at 30Days and I love it!  I've already got the tees, now to just sit down and do it!

I've been wanting to make a wreath for a long time and this cardboard lovely from Elise Blaha is just what I've been looking for.

Another lovely from the uber talented Jen.  What a fun way to dress up your outfit!  Find her easy tutorial over at Tatertots and Jello.

I'll post pics of my projects as I finish them.  And there's some more that I'm working on that are all in my head, so I should have plenty to keep me busy!

1 comment:

  1. Those look like some great projects! I have a long list as well. Now if I can just get everyone in my house well!


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