Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hand-made Goodie of the Week: Record Bowls

The sis-in-law and I have been working on a bunch of stuff for the Etsy shop.  Yesterday we made these:

Yep, that's a record.  Or at least, was.  You want one?  Here's how.  You'll need:

A record
An oven
Hot mitts
2 bowls, one needs to be oven-safe

Goodwill is an excellent place to look for records.  Most of these were 76 cents a piece.  And since they're at Goodwill, they're not in the best shape, so I don't feel bad melting them down.

Heat your oven to 400 degrees.  Put your oven-safe bowl in, and lay the record on top. 

Leave it in there for about 5 seconds, til it's pliable.  It WILL be hot, so use your hot mitts when handling it.

While it's still hot and bendable, drape it over your bowl and shape it around.  You could also use a large-brimmed glass.

Stick it in the fridge for a couple of minutes to cool it and set it.

And voila!  You have a unique, one-of-a-kind decoration.

If you're the instant gratification type and don't feel like hunting for records, we've got some available for sale in our Etsy shop.  Go check them out!  There's even a red one.


  1. I did a 'green' themed birthday party for my daughter's 10th birthday last January. Creating record bowls was one of the things we did. We got ours for 10 cents a piece at a re-use store here in Portland, OR. I actually have my daughters thumbtacked through its center to her room wall and she can place some cute little dolls in it.

  2. These are great! I've seen them before but never knew how to make them! Thanks for sharing! ~Marcy

  3. Hopping over from Anythings Related. This is so cool!


  4. So cool, I love the red one! I've also seen this done using a heat gun, but your way seems much quicker!

  5. This is an awesome thing to use if you have a million chargers like I do! I have chargers for my cell-phone, Zune, Kindle, Camera and Flip! Can't wait to melt some records :) Thanks!!


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