Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Who's That: Lanie J. and Co.

I'm thrilled to introduce you all to the lovely and talented Lanie from Lanie J. and Co. today.  Lanie is also part of the Trendy Treehouse team.  She let me pick her brain for a bit : ) Hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as I did!

First things first, tell us a little about yourself!

Well, let’s see. I live in the great state of Texas. I landed here about 11 years ago. I’ve been married 8 years this June and I am a SAHM to 2 beautiful daughters, ages 4 and 7 that are growing up much too fast. In our spare time as a family, we like to spend time on the beach, boating or fishing in the neighborhood pond.

What prompted you to start Lanie J. and Co and why?

Lanie J. and Co. originally started out as Creations by Lanie. I started Creations by Lanie to kind of journal a creative journey and the name matched my Etsy shop. Last fall, I changed the name to Lanie J. and Co. to be a little more all encompassing. L.J. and based upon the principle that God has given us all special talents and wants us to use them to the benefit of others. My sweet mother who passed away in October 2009 left with me a dream to bring back the creative soul within. I have always loved crafting and creating items with my hands. Now I want to create art. Somewhere along the way, I lost the dream of becoming an artist and I want to fulfill it so that my children know that anything is possible. In an effort to encourage them to use their talents, I am trying to use my own to set a good example.

How did you get involved with Trendy Treehouse?

When I did my first giveaway. Tara at Trendy Treehouse was just starting out and looking for a team. She featured my giveaway on her blog and we kind of struck up a friendship. When she posted that Trendy Treehouse was looking for creative team members, I jumped at the chance to meet and learn from other bloggers.

What have you gotten out of blogging and what have you enjoyed most about the experience?

I am constantly amazed at the comraderie and friendships I have made via blogging. I have learned a lot from others and their experiences. I am always inspired by all the creative ladies out there.

What inspires you to craft?

My kids, my love of paper, color, and working with my hands. My mother always has, and still does (even though she is not here) inspire me to create.

What inspires you, period?

I believe I am inspired by God, family and friends to do the things I do each day.

What have been your favorite creations?

My kids! J Oh, you mean craft wise! Well, I love the way my chalkboard flower pots turned out. I also love my decoupage wooden letters and recipe binders.

If you could blog swap with any one person for a day, who would it be and why?

Wow! That is a tough question. You know there are some fantastic creative bloggers out there. I have only done one blog swap and I really enjoyed it. It was with Jamie from Pure Joy. I would love to swap with Tara at New Day New Season or Gay at Hodge Podge Life. I also love Kristi at Punkin Seed Productions.

I collect quotes for my blog.  Do you have a quote you'd like to share?  

Gosh, I love quotes and there are so many to choose from. I actually post quotes on Mondays.  If I had to pick a favorite, it would be this one: "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.' "-Erma Bombeck 

What do you hope your readers take away from your blog?

I would hope they would be inspired to create. I hope that their experience reading my blog is positive and I absolutely love when someone shares their creative dreams with me.

What one skill do you wish you were better at?

I guess that would be painting. Actually I wish I could be better at not fearing failing. I think I have the talent, but like so many creative individuals out there, I just need to jump off the edge and go for it! J

Isn't Lanie awesome?!  Check out these equally awesome projects and recipes from her blog:

Isn't this banner adorable?  I think I might need to make one for my son's next birthday.

These cookies look so yummy! And soooo easy!

I love monograms-they're a great way to personalize a room-and I love all the little touches on Lanie's.  Plus the combo of the stripes and polka dots is right up my alley!

I'm in love with her personalized recipe binder.  I know a few people that would love one of these as a gift!

I have been hearing about Dr. Pepper cake for FOREVER and I'm definitely going to give Lanie's recipe a try.

These chalkboard flower pots are the cutest things ever!  What a clever idea, Lanie!  

Thanks so much for visiting today, Lanie and sharing with us!  You all seriously need to go check out Lanie and her wonderful blog, Lanie J. and Co. if you haven't already.  You won't be disappointed.


  1. What a great post. I enjoy Lanie's blog very much!

  2. Love all the craft ideas that Lanie has....she has so much talent for creating!! Thanks for sharing.
    : )


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