Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shutter Love: My Bobby

It's one in the morning.  I'm waiting for my husband to call to let me know he made it to Jamaica safely.  To kill time, I decided to catch up on my blog roll (I'm still horribly behind from the computer being broken) and I came across Trendy Treehouse's Shutter Love Tuesdays.  

How have I missed this in the past?!  Me, the photography nut?  Well, I'm jumping on the band wagon.  This week's theme is children and anyone who knows me knows my baby is my favorite subject.  So I have a plethora of pictures.  Here are some of my faves:

To my husband "Give me the camera!  It's my turn to take a picture!"

He loves to make funny faces

Sleeping angel


The "I'm not up to anything" face.

He thinks he's hilarious.  So do I.

Love the chubby cheeks.  Who could not love this face?

I love this little blue-eyed man.  He just makes my heart melt.

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