Thursday, May 20, 2010

Passing the Love Along

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm experiencing some technical difficulties with my comments.  I don't know what's up, but I've sent an email along to Blogger and hopefully, it will be resolved soon.  Please feel free to still leave comments-just know they might not show up right away.

On to happier matters.

I received this awesome award today from the talented Kami from Sweet Charli, who was our awesome guest yesterday.  Thank you so much, Kami!  You make me blush : )

The fun thing about this award is that you get to pass it on.  Here are the rules:

In order to receive this award you have to promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too! It is just that simple.

Just post about your award in your blog
List your Top Trendy Blogs
Share with them and
Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button (so they can grab it to)
Make sure you tell them the same, that they need to give this award out to 10 as well.

So here are my picks of Trendy Blogs that I love, in no particular order:

If Work Permits
West Sac Honey
Mod Podge Rocks!
Tatertots and Jello 
(I'm sure Jen's gotten this award like a thousand times, but I do love her and her blog, 
so here's one more, Jen!)
Melissa's Heart and Home
Lanie J. and Co.
Myla Rose
A Pretty Cool Life
Mad Boastings of a Cheapskate Mom
Red Heads Craft More Fun


  1. Congrats for the award :)

    Tenny at My Crafty Life

  2. Thank you Courtney! You are so sweet to think of me for this award. I really appreciate it.

    Have a blessed Sunday. ~Melissa :)

  3. Oh YAY! An award! Thanks so much!! :o)


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