Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Who's That: MPower Generations

Meet my friend Karin.  This is her with her hubby and 6 kids.  Yep, 6.  Love it. 

She has a cool website.  Along with her mom and sisters, Karin created MPower Generations, a website geared towards empowering women in all aspects of their lives-as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and just being happy with yourself as a woman.  I asked Karin where the inspiration for the site came from and this is what she had to say: "Mom, Marta, Marissa, Rachel and I were clearing the table after a meal together and were joking around about the word 'empower' when someone said, 'Only with an M for mothers' and we felt that it was inspiration. I had been working on a book about stories of motherhood to strengthen mothers in the work that they are doing (which, as I am sure you have experienced, can sometimes feel thankless and lonely), but turned my energies to working on this website (easier access) to promote healthy family relationships for generations. I personally feel a great desire to reach out and support women in their work of building healthy relationships and promoting positivity in our unique spheres of influence. I also believe we have been given the blessing and responsibility to empower ourselves and our families through learning, growing, and developing talents and qualities that will help us in all our relationships."  Well said, Karin!

I think all too often we, as women, feel like our roles are unappreciated or that "just staying home" to raise our families isn't as full-filling or important as having a career.  In fact, the job of raising our children to be well-rounded, respectful people is the most important one we will ever do.  It might sound a bit 50's-ish, but there is no job that I could have that would be more rewarding than being a stay-at-home mom.  Sure, I still have interests outside my home and I make time for them, but my family is my number one priority.  And what a wonderful resource this website is on those days when we're feeling a little worn down in our roles.  There is a M-F blog that is funny as well as inspirational, featuring a guest blogger on Tuesdays as well as links galore-all inspiring and empowering.  There's even a shop with empowering shirts and tote bags.  

How cute!  Want to win one?  Check out this blog post on MPower for details.  So go check them out, find them on Facebook, get empowered!

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