Monday, September 22, 2014

Making My Comeback

It's been a while, huh?  Well, I'm so very excited to officially announce that, starting October 1, Scraps and Scribbles is BACK!

Yep, you read that right!  

If you've been following along for a while, you may recall that one of the big reasons I had to take an extended break from blogging was because I was going back to school.  In May, I graduated from Ashford University with my Bachelor's in History.

I am DONE with school!  Like, forever!  Well, almost forever-my plan is to teach once my kiddos are all in school, so when the time comes, I'll need to get my teaching certificate, but that will be so fast compared to the lengthy journey it's been to achieve this goal.  Three and a half years, moving across country, and one more kid than when I started, and I can proudly say I am a college graduate.  No more late nights up writing research paper after research paper, no more discussion boards and no more final exams.  It's so nice to be done and it's even nicer to know that I accomplished something that I had set as a goal for myself, long before a husband or kids were in the picture.  I completed this-some days it felt like the end would never come, some days I really just wanted to quit, because it was hard, really hard.  As I mentioned in my "going away" post last year, I spent about 3 years as a virtually single mom, but I didn't expound on that.  When we made the move back to Florida, the hubs got a new job, a job that required him to travel.  And when I say travel, I mean they expected him to be on the road, visiting clients and making new contacts Monday through Friday EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.  It hadn't started that way, but about six months in, that's what it became.  We had an 18-month-old at the time and I had not signed up to be doing it all by myself.  And then we found out we would soon be welcoming a second sweet little person to our family. Morning sickness with a very active toddler and no help and no breaks from being his sole caretaker was very taxing.  When the time was getting closer to our daughter making her appearance, the hubs sat down with his boss to talk about his current traveling situation and how it wasn't going to work for our family anymore once the baby came.  He was pretty much told too bad, so we decided it was time to move on and find employment elsewhere.  After a lot of praying and late night talks about what we should do, we felt it was best to come back to New Mexico.  Only problem with this was, we now owned a home in Florida that we couldn't just walk away from, plus there was the huge expense of moving across the country and finding somewhere to live in NM plus the hubs had to get re-licensed so that he could go back to his old job.  So, the hubs ended up going to NM ahead of us, to get re-established at his job, find us somewhere to live and give us time to figure out what to do with the Florida house.  We spent 7 months living in separate states on nearly opposite sides of the country.  Just over two years ago, we packed up all of our earthly possessions, hugged our family and friends good-bye and set off on a three-day drive to our not-so-new home.

All of that while I was in school full time.  With a 3-year-old and a still pretty new baby.  But we were just so happy to be a family under one roof again.  And now, the school part of my life is done.  I got to enjoy the summer with my kids without having to worry about homework or papers being due.
Because, starting last month, our family has a new school adventure.  My little man started kindergarten!  I can't believe how the time has flown!  Now it's just me and the little lady at home during the day.
Which brings me full-circle to the big announcement-the re-launch of this little ol' blog.  It's not going to be "BANG! I'm back!" but something I'll need to ease back into.  But I did want to mae this comeback big, fun and exciting for you, my awesome readers who have been so kind, understanding and patient while life took its course.  To kick things off, I am organizing a super-awesome party of sorts and what would a party be without prizes?!  There will be a WHOLE WEEK of giveaways from some of my awesome vendor friends starting October 6!  I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!  I'll be posting little teasers on my Facebook page, so if you're not already following along, you might want to get on that.
And if you're interested in being a vendor for the giveaway, I still have a few spots available.  Email me and I'll give you all the deets.

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